The “Tour de France of Our Industries,” organized by Bpifrance and OPCO 2i, aims to promote industry to school audiences and students. Its bus tour, at the heart of factories and schools, started on September 12 during the WorldSkills LYON 2024 event and will conclude next December.
Industry needs young people.
Based on this observation, Bpifrance, through French Fab, the community of dynamic industrialists, and OPCO 2i, with its inter-industrial brand “Avec l’Industrie®,” representing 29 industrial sectors, have united around their shared commitment to the reindustrialization of France. With 60,000 job vacancies in the industry and nearly one million positions to be filled in the next ten years, this “Tour de France of Our Industries” presents an opportunity for the entire industrial ecosystem to promote training, professions, and thus recruit.
On the agenda at EYCO.
On September 24, the French Fab bus made a stop at EYCO. We were fortunate to host this tour, bringing together many industrial players from the region, partners of the tour, and students from Vauvenargues High School. After a visit to the industrial site led by Eric Eymard, the students had the opportunity to meet and engage with inspiring entrepreneurs.
At EYCO, we are proud to support this type of initiative. Training a new generation is one of our key ambitions.